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Happy New Year Everyone


Could you believe it ? Another year is over…Time really does fly!

If I were to think of a message that I felt is the most important and which I try to live by, that would be ‘Wellness.’

I’ve mentioned this previously in many blogs…as a matter of fact it was the subject of my very first blog “Dental Wellness” which was posted on July 22nd, 2011.

The holiday season and the start of a new year are a good time to sit back and reflect on where you can improve or make changes in your life. This may include eating healthier (see blogs “Your Diet and Dental Health : Food Glorious Food – Part One and Two, posted on April 22nd and 29th , 2013 ) exercising more, quitting smoking, making sure your head is in a good place (mental health), working on coping skills to deal with the stresses of life…the list can go on and on.

It’s difficult to make changes in your life because we all get used to the status quo. Unfortunately, sometimes we only make necessary changes when our health suffers I.e., diabetes, cancer, a burn out. But, hopefully as we get older, we also get wiser and see the need to look after ourselves a little better.

My goal with each and every one of my blogs is to try and explain pertinent issues in a way that you, the reader will understand…and we’ve covered so many topics since 2011.

In the New Year we will continue to look at Obstructive Sleep Apnea (O.S.A). As we saw in the last blog “The Dentist’s Role in Obstructive Sleep Apnea,” a multidisciplinary approach (which includes many different specialists in the medical field, as well as the dentist) is required to deal with you being able to breathe properly at night and have a patent airway.

We will also do a series on how smoking affects your overall health which includes your dental health too. All kinds of topics to be covered in 2014!

Be good to yourselves and all the best for a happy and healthy New Year 🙂

Dr. F. Keshavarz Dentistry

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