Keshavarz Dentistry Accepts CDCP Benefits

Do Your Dental Benefits Expire At The End Of The Year?

Dental exam

Many dental insurance plans reset benefits at the beginning of each year – and you don’t get to carry any unused benefits forward from one year to the next. That’s why it’s a great time of the year to think about how you can utilize any unused allowances for dental benefits before they expire.

It’s true that when the holidays approach, people are generally thinking more about gifts, decorations, and preparing big family dinners than making an appointment with the dentist. Still, there are good reasons for thinking about how you can put those unused dental benefits to work for you.

• Good oral health is strongly linked to good overall health – it’s not something you can ignore;
• Putting off procedures generally makes any bad situation worse, and may lead to permanent damage in some cases.

Preventive dental procedures
Your dental plan allows for specific amounts for a variety of professional dental services that help maintain good oral health.

• Dental check-ups;
• Tooth cleaning;
• X-rays or lab tests.

Professional cleaning by a dental hygienist can be a powerful tool in preventing gum disease, and other more serious oral health problems. You should still brush and floss, ideally at least 2X daily, but professional cleaning can reach the areas that you can’t.

• Remember: the longer food and the nutrients that break down in the mouth when you chew are exposed to your teeth, the greater the risk of infection and/or decay.

Basic dental care
If tests or the exam reveal issues that need treatment, you can also take advantage of unused dental benefits.

• Tooth extractions;
• Fillings.

You may not even be aware of tooth decay, or cavities – and that’s the best time to treat them. A small filling is preferable to an extensive one.

When more complex procedures are called for, the initial stages of testing can be accomplished now. There may also be an opportunity to spread the payments over time.

Looking for advice on any aspect of your dental or oral health? You’ll find the answer at Dr. F. Keshavarz Dentistry in Brampton, ON.

If you’re looking for a well-regarded and highly skilled dentist in the Brampton area, make an appointment with Dr. F. Keshavarz Dentistry by calling (905)-791-3867. Visit our website to learn more about our dental services.

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