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Dentistry for Senior Citizens in Brampton

Looking for the best dentist in Brampton near you?

Due to modern dentistry, today most seniors can expect to keep their natural teeth well into their golden years. However, maintaining senior dental care can be challenging, especially if you have a combination of natural teeth, dentures or implants.

Are you a senior searching for dental care near Brampton? Ask us about our Senior Discounts for Dental Care by calling 905-791-3867 to learn more.

As for maintaining excellent oral hygiene, learn more about Dental Hygiene Health for Seniors and Caregivers.

Dry mouth or Xerostomia

A dry mouth is a condition in which the salivary glands in your mouth don’t make enough saliva to keep your mouth wet. It is often a side effect of certain medications or aging issues. It can also be a result of radiation therapy for cancer. In addition, other problems, such as diabetes, can cause dry mouth.

Medications for high blood pressure, heart problems, and depression can also cause dry mouth.
• Saliva helps to flush away bacteria and keep the mouth clean. A lack of saliva can cause an increase in tooth decay activity and even gum disease with a dry mouth.
• Sipping water during the day helps, as well as sugarless gum or mints.

Cavities at tooth roots

As aging occurs, so does the likelihood of developing decay at the roots of the teeth at the gum line and the edges of existing fillings. Over time, gums can recede naturally, which can also worsen when brushing your teeth too hard, resulting in exposed roots. Once the roots are exposed, they are more prone to decay since they do not have the same enamel protection as regular tooth surfaces.

Increased risk of gum disease

You may be able to make do with less than consistent oral hygiene for a while, but as we age, the problems may become worse. For instance, plaque causes more tooth decay the longer it exists in your mouth, and the build-up over time can cause inflammation of the gums. That inflammation can even eventually reach the bones beneath your teeth.


Discolouration of teeth is natural as we age but can be minimized by reducing the long term effects of:

  • Smoking
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • And other beverages with strong pigments.

You can also talk to your dentist about tooth whitening options.

Mobility issues

Problems with arthritis, or other issues affecting your hands, may lead to issues holding your toothbrush. As such, we recommend the following:
• Wrapping and taping a sponge around the handle to make it larger.
• Electric toothbrushes help by doing all the fine work.
• Plastic floss holders help if you have trouble grasping floss. Dental tape is another option.

More ways you can help

There is evidence that poor oral hygiene affects a number of serious health issues such as heart disease, stroke, respiratory issues, and diabetes. You can take steps to ensure your teeth are in the best possible condition, such as:

  • Brushing your natural teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste – make it a habit.
    • Using floss to clean between teeth at least once a day.
    • Cleaning and soaking dentures each and every day and brush or massage your gums.
    • Seeing a dental hygienist once or twice a year to help keep on top of any developing issues.
    • Cleaning natural teeth twice a day, even where there are partial dentures or implants.
    • Keeping track of new medications you take or any dietary changes. These things can affect your oral health and aid your dentist or hygienist in evaluating your situation.
    • Ask your dental professional for an oral cancer check with your checkup. They can find early signs that otherwise would go unnoticed.

If you’re looking for a well-regarded and highly skilled dentist for Seniors in Brampton and Peel Region, make an appointment with Dr. F. Keshavarz Dentistry by calling (905)-791-3867. And remember to ask about our Senior Discounts for dentistry. You’ll be glad you did!

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