Dental Blog

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening FAQ

In my previous post, I talked about a few of the more popular teeth whitening products available.  In this entry, I’d like to answer some of the more common questions

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Does Teeth Whitening Hurt?

Does teeth whitening hurt? It’s a question many patients ask. Sometimes, they’ve heard stories from friends or family, or read something on the internet – teeth whitening procedures have caused pain. Here’s the truth.

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Can Cosmetic Dentistry Fix Receding Gums?

Receding gums change the way your smile looks – and can even change the way your face looks. There are many reasons why the gums recede, making teeth look longer, and potentially exposing discoloured portions of the tooth, along with the roots. The good news is that gum contouring is an option, whether it is for functional or purely cosmetic reasons.

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Dental exam

Do Your Dental Benefits Expire At The End Of The Year?

Many dental insurance plans reset benefits at the beginning of each year – and you don’t get to carry any unused benefits forward from one year to the next. That’s why it’s a great time of the year to think about how you can utilize any unused allowances for dental benefits before they expire.

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