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Dental Blog

Composite Veneers in Brampton

What’s the Deal with Veneers?

Don’t hide your smile because of crooked, misaligned or stained teeth: Veneers, whether composite veneers or porcelain, can dramatically enhance the appearance of your mouth. While several different veneer types are

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Dental Cleanings in Brampton.

The Dirt on Dental Cleanings

Are dental cleanings worth your time and money? You bet! Here’s why to consider annual or semi-annual dental cleanings. Even if you’re a five-star brusher and flosser and you aren’t

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Dental Implant

Are Dental Implants Right For You?

Suppose you’ve lost adult teeth due to disease, tooth decay, bad oral hygiene, plaque or tartar buildup. In that case, you may be curious whether dental implants are your answer. Unaddressed tooth

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Children's Dentist

Children and Dentistry

Your Child’s behaviour at the dentist Every child behaves differently at the dentist. Some you can barely get into the treatment room and onto the dental chair, while others are

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